The Sunday School begins in the 10am morning service with the Time with Our Children, which is usually (but not always) led by our pastor. The very title of this part of the service is indicative of our beliefs. First, it is a time WITH our children ~ not “at our children” or “for our children.” This is NOT a time for adults to be entertained by the cuteness of the little ones. Second, we consider the children of the church to be OUR children, as well as (obviously) YOUR children. Whether our church members are biological parents or not; we gladly designate staff and other resources to the Sunday School, and we provide guidance for the spiritual well being of the children, according to the teachings of Jesus, The Time with Our Children is a true opportunity to not only teach our children, but also to explore what they believe, what is important to them, and what is on their minds. The time is structured with the pastor asking the children questions and encouraging contemplation. Often, the responses are startling in their honesty, innocence and beauty.
The children remain in the sanctuary for baptisms (which they appear to love) and other notable events before they proceed to the Sunday School classrooms for an age-appropriate time that may include music, lessons from the Bible, art projects, physical activity and discussion. A nursery that is staffed by a longtime employee is available. Beepers for parents/caregivers are provided to facilitate communication.
For further information, comments and/or questions, contact the Church School Co-Directors, at