I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT SHE HAD ACCESS to this much space, air and light ~ but here is the set in the gym at the Congregational Church of Patchogue for "The Diary of Anne Frank" produced by and playing at the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts on Friday, March 13th at 8pm and on Saturday, March 14th at 2pm and 8pm.

AS PART OF THE "COFFEE WITH A COP" PROGRAM, these three officers from the Suffolk County Police Dept. 5th Pct were invited to the soup kitchen of the Congregational Church of Patchogue last night. At the same time, we had blood pressure screening offered by Hudson River HealthCare, Inc. - HRHCare, our free Barber Salon, free mobile shower units, free clothes pantry, a rehearsal for "The Diary of Anne Frank" that will open in March at the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts, and an Ash Wednesday music, chants, and silent mindfulness walk through the sanctuary. Helping others is a natural high! Peace, Dwight Lee Wolter

SAVE LIVES BY HAVING FUN & EATING DINNER: A fundraiser will be held at the Congregational Church of Patchogue, 95 E. Main St., on Thursday, May 9, 2019. It begins at 6:30 with wine, hors d’œuvres, and music. At 7:30, enjoy a delicious meal, typical of what is served at the soup kitchen. Taste an see for yourself what is involved in serving our food-insecure neighbors. Tickets are $35, in advance only. Checks may be made payable to Patchogue Neighbors Soup Kitchens, Inc. and mailed or delivered to the church. Office hours: M-F, 9am – 1pm. Phone: 631-475-1235. Peace, Dwight Lee Wolter